Travel Documents


A health certificate (also known as a certificate of veterinary inspection) and current negative Coggins test are required if travelling out of the state of California.  The health certificate states that the horse is  healthy to travel and free of infectious disease at the time of the exam. 

A Coggins test is a blood test for Equine Infectious Anemia, and is good for 6-12 months depending on the state. 

Health certificates are used by the states’ Department of Agriculture to track animal movement and monitor for contagious diseases.  Health certificates are usually good for 30 days from the date of exam, but some states have different rules. 

Please note that if you are travelling to a horse show, the show may have additional or different requirements.

At OCEVS, we use digital Coggins and health certificates to ensure prompt delivery to our clients to get them on the road. 

Please contact the office to obtain our questionnaire with the required information, ideally at least a week before the anticipated departure date.